Walking Between Worlds
2012 and Beyond

with Peter Calhoun
Author, Shaman, Healer & Visionary
author of "Soul on Fire"

Sunday, Feb. 8th, 2009
1:00 - 5:00 Eastern time
Alexzanna Farms in beautiful Wildwood, GA
$75.00 Limited Seating - Reserve Your Space Now!
In the early 1970’s, Peter had a series of visions about the physical status of the Earth and the probable futures of its human inhabitants. By far, his most puzzling was his vision of an event shortly after the beginning of the new millennium (2012) that would not only mark the end of history, but in which time itself ceased to be. He was shown that it was not the destruction of the world he was witnessing, but the end of life as we know it. Peter states that, unlike the predictions about the turn of the millennium, this event is very real and has to be reckoned with, for you are hear and now.
Peter will share with us, how we as shamans can have an influence on these events and survive.
Location is Alexzanna Farms in Wildwood , GA just 9 miles from Chattanooga
Alexannna Farms  315 Walker Road  Wildwood GA 30757 
Suzanna Alexander    www.spiralquest.com    706-820-9042
To reserve your space send check or money order to:
Peter Calhoun
120 White Oak Lane
Townsend, TN 37882

For more information/directions/questions
contact: Chuck Peters (706) 398-0078    cloudland@mindspring.com
Join us at beautiful Alexzanna Farms in Wildwood, Georgia, for this exciting 4-hour lecture that might change your life, and, in turn, change your world.

Click Here to Download a PDF version of the flyer, please print and post where appropriate,
and please forward to any individuals or groups.

Spiral Quest
PO Box 62
Wildwood, GA 30757

email: suzanna@spiralquest.com