Workshops for Women
On Herbal Medicine & Nutrition
with Susun S. Weed
Saturday, March 27, 2010.  

Vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures, teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine. Unabashedly pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging and often profoundly provocative.

Susun is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions of women around the world.
Learn more at

Bio: Susun S. Weed is the author of four highly-acclaimed books on herbs and women’s health: Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, Healing Wise, New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way and Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Way. Ms. Weed lectures world-wide on women’s health and herbal medicine. From her home in New York State’s Catskill Mountains, she directs the activities of the Wise Woman Centre, acts as editor-in-chief of Ash Tree Publishing, personally oversees the work of 400 correspondence students, and trains herbal and shamanic apprentices. Susun has lived the simple life for nearly 40 years as an herbalist, goat-keeper, homesteader and feminist. She has been called “a true radical … deeply rooted” “a modern pioneer” and “one of the founding mothers of herbal medicine in the United States.”

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Spiral Quest
PO Box 62
Wildwood, GA 30757
