Sacred Vibrations with Jill Burton
Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 7-9 pm

 Jill Burton entrains the audience into an altered brainwave state and uses her voice and movement to express and shift the energetic patterns thus revealed. She has extensive training and professional experience in widely varying styles of music and dance, and also in hands-on healing, energy work and sound healing. While living is Alaska for the past six years, she has been deeply honored to work with Tlingit storyteller/shamans.

A 20. offering or 30. for two is requested. 
All proceeds will go to the artist.
Due to the nature of the event we will not attempt to do a hurried potluck first. There will be a simple reception after the  performance to meet with the artist.  

Please confirmyour intent to participate due to limited seating

Alexzanna Farms, Wildwood, GA
(20 minutes from downtown Chattanooga)

Spiral Quest
PO Box 62
Wildwood, GA 30757
