Stories of Women’s Spiritual Growth and Empowerment
with Ginnie Sams
Sunday, March 22, 2009, 5-9PM

Come and join the fun, Sunday night, March 22, with Gigi, Suzanna,  and story teller Ginnie Sams at Alexzanna Farms.
 Bring pot luck for supper from 5:00 - 6:00 PM EST.
We'll clean up from 6 - 6:30 and then walk into the woods for stories from Ginnie.
We'll return from the fireside stories around 8:00.
 Bring a yoga mat, sleeping bag or blanket to sit on on the ground and layers of clothing so that you will be comfortable.
 Call if you need a reminder about directions or if you have any questions.
 Please do not bring pets or men.
 We will take up an offering in appreciation for Ginnie's stories.
We're looking forward to being together and celebrating  WOMAN.

Spiral Quest
PO Box 62
Wildwood, GA 30757
