Re-Discovering Peace Workshop
Given by Scaughdt
Saturday, February 27th, 2010, from 9am to 5pm

To celebrate the four-year anniversary of the first mainland presentation I ever shared as a Peace Pilgrim, Alexzanna Farms will be hosting a free, day-long workshop.

The event, entitled "Rediscovering Peace", will follow a flowing format designed to allow each of you to both hear about what it means to experience the bliss of "Oneness" (i.e. being fully and powerfully at Peace as a Human Being), as well as experience this Bliss firsthand during several exercises & activities. 

And, as always, there will also be lots of time for relaxing discussion and joyful fellowship. 

So feel free (literally!) to come join in this Journey of Self-Rediscovery! 
(Feel free as well to pass this invitation on to anyone else you think might be interested.)

*Snacks and beverages will be provided, though lunch will be "potluck". 
(It is also advised to wear comfortable clothes and to bring a favorite cushion to sit or lay upon.)

Spiral Quest
PO Box 62
Wildwood, GA 30757
