Come and Go as You please...

Join Lawrence and Suzanna at Alexzanna Farms for the
Second of Suzanna's four 70th birthyear Celebrations.

lay in the hammock,
nap on the grass,
swim in the pool,
      fish in the pond,
                  wander in the woods,
                                          paddle a canoe,
                                                      hit a croquet ball,
                                                                  swing a badminton racquet,

pitch a horseshoe,
fling a frisbee,
walk the labyrinth,
      picnic on the grounds,
                              play music,
                                          connect with friends and family

Bring : Your own food and drink for picnicking any time anywhere,
towels and bathing suits, lawn chairs and blankets,
bug repellent and sunscreen, fishing gear - and whatever else you need...

 Friends and Family are welcome - Please leave your pets at home

Spiral Quest
PO Box 62
Wildwood, GA 30757
