Holistic Healing Through Sound and Vibration

Lawrence and I were privileged to experience the playing of sacred Tibetan Gongs by Richard Hite. It was an incredibly beautiful and powerful journey. We knew immediately that we wanted him to come to Alexzanna Farms and share the opportunity the vibrations offer.

The workshop will be Saturday, November 7, 2009. Welcome is at 9:30 AM EST and the day will end at 4:30 PM EST.
 The workshop will utilize the power of sound from traditional sacred instruments, integrated with modern psycho-spiritual technologies to provide participants with the tools and experience to hear clearly and listen to the voice of spirit within.

Bring notebooks and pens, wear loose comfortable clothing and bring something comfortable to lie on.  Bring a dish for the potluck lunch.  Water and teas will be available.

Due to space restrictions the registration is limited to twenty.  Please
send your $40.00 check, made payable to Richard Hite, to Suzanna Alexander
PO Box 62  Wildwood GA 30757   (include your email address so that I can
confirm your space.)

Click here to download Fliers!

Spiral Quest
PO Box 62
Wildwood, GA 30757

email: suzanna@spiralquest.com