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Experience the
Heartbeat of Grandmother Drum
Saturday, March 1,2008 from 2-5 PM EST Prayerformance
A three hour interactive drumming, prayer, dance and
celebration for the
whole family. Cost is $30.00 with children under 16 by
Sunday, March 2, 2008 from 1-6 PM EST Workshop with
Mayan Fire Ceremony for
clearing, healing and purification of the self, the waters,
and the history
that has left it's mark on our land and water.
Limited to 33 adults, cost is $66.00
Location is the Unitarian Universalist Church on Navajo Dr. in
Chattanooga, TN
Sponsored by Spiral Quest. Make checks payable to Spiral
Quest and send to
Spiral Quest, PO Box 62, Wildwood GA 30757
Go to www.whirlingrainbow.com to see pictures
of the drum and to hear it's healing sound.
The drum is seven feet in diameter and took over a year to
construct in
Alaska. The seven layers of wood making up the drum represent
the seven
continents, the kettle shape reflects South American drums,
the buffalo skin
top reflects North American, the mounting style is African and
the drum's
stand reflects the Indian Tabla. It is an international,
intertribal drum
of all races and cultures. It is traveling across the
USA on it's fifth
world tour as the symbol of the Universal Heart connecting all
races and
cultures. The theme is The Heartbeat of One Family, One
Earth. To date
over 25,000 people have prayed, danced, sung, and healed their
hearts with
GrandMother Drum.
Spiral Quest
PO Box 62
Wildwood, GA 30757
email: suzanna@spiralquest.com